Portugallis Instrumentos Musicais - Luthier em Belo Horizonte - Conserto, Construção e Aprenda como fazer




En - Pt - Es - It

colagem de mão de violão porfírio de Martins quebrada
Chave em prata sterling para piccolo do século XIX
Ajuste Cavalete e altura das cordas violino
coalgem de cavalete solto e conserto violão

Send pictures or video on WHATSAPP or e-mail so we can quote repair prices!

Do you wanna CHECK THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT REPAIR LIVE? Suscribe to the YouTube Channel e and check the work being done!

I can't tune the violin or the guitar? The flute is not working? The strings are too high or too low? The bridge is broken? The guitar head is broken?  We can fix your musical instrument!

In the workshop we make a quote for the REPAIR or RESTORATION without commitment to the TERM and with a WARRANTY of up to one (1) year!

Get in TOUCH now with the Luthier Mateus Portugal!

Planilha Custos básicos Portugallis

+55(31) 4101-0055


R. Netuno, 95 - Santa Lucia

Belo Horizonte - MG

